In early 2009, the entire Western world, including Israel, underwent a silent revolution in the field of diesel fuel for transport.

New strict standards were introduced that led to a modification in the chemical structure of the fuel in relation to the diesel fuel used prior to that year.

The removal of the sulfur and introduction of various additives in order to fill the gaps created by this removal created a diesel fuel that requires maintenance.

While in the past the fuel’s shelf life was almost unlimited, today it begins to break down about three months after leaving the refinery.

While in the past water and fuel were separate, today they mix together and form an emulsion.

The secondary manifestations that were added to the process are an accelerated accumulation of rust in the fuel tanks, oxidization, dilution of the additives and accelerated development of biological growths in the tank.

On the other side of the process, in recent years engines have undergone impressive technological development that makes them very sensitive to contaminated fuel and this results in many unexpected engine breakdowns, extensive loss of fuel and loss of expensive spare parts.

In the case of an engine serving as an emergency energy supply, the anticipated damage arrives at the time of turning on the engine with consequent causing of very heavy damages.

Many companies invest tremendous amounts in building an emergency energy system, which is entirely diesel fuel-based, from the actual generators to the synchronization systems and electricity and fuel infrastructures.

All these lose their value when the diesel fuel is not properly maintained. The fuel is the energy source that drives the diesel engines. In the absence of proper maintenance, the combustion process is disrupted and the engine stops working.


Logia’s fuel, maintenance systems were developed after many years of experience in handling fuel and provide a complete solution to all the challenges facing anyone with an emergency or operating fuel tank.


Installation of a system on the tank makes the need for replacement of the fuel or maintenance of the tank unnecessary for years, maintains the engine and the fuel system in order and ready for any routine or emergency engine ignition.


Logia’s filtering systems are characterized by low purchase and maintenance costs, complete automation, simple user interface and very high reliability.

We developed the systems and registered an international patent for them; they are produced in Israel and sold in several countries.

Installation of a filtering system allows control of the emergency energy system and guarantees peace of mind as regards operation and long-term reliability.

The systems are adapted to different tank sizes from 1000 L to 1,000,000 L. In the future we will complete development of systems for giant tanks, of over 1,000,000 L.

Cleaning fuel tanks

Logia provides fuel tank cleaning and operating services for every tank size.

The service includes cleaning of the fuel tank with a unique technology that does not require shutting down of the fuel tank, replacement of filters, installation / replacement of breathers, sampling of fuel, additives, painting, etc.

The work is carried out by an experienced and qualified Logia team with all the required safety certificates.